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Finding Oneself

Julia Hartstein • August 25, 2023

"If you want to change the world, change yourself." Mahatma Gandhi

This life we are given, that we chose, is a journey. And I say journey because it's a far more positive outlook than what it actually feels like to be currently living in this realm. I signed on knowing full well what it would entail. I agreed to come here and follow steps to constantly uncover the truth. My truth. Universal Truth.


This never-ending process has been working on myself, even when I thought I was just fixing a situation or circumstance. I've been on this constant journey to heal traumas that disguised themselves as being a part of me. A pain that needed to be loved. A fear that needed to be dispelled. They were just illusions I needed to see past. And for as long as I live, there will always be something to work on. They get easier as you learn, for the most part. Some get revisited a few times to discover another layer, a more advanced level. 


I had a fellow Lightworker describe this journey like a spiral, or that old school design "Spirograph". Where you travel inside and then back out. It can be intricate, or it can be simple. It's an ebb and flow of movement that constantly brings you back to center.


So, I wanted to relate my Pilates blog this month about "centering" to "finding oneself". The journey within. I feel like we hear that phrase, and we get the general idea. Go inside. Yet, the painstaking travel it takes to follow through with learning to go within has more depth and meaning than can be described in one short blog. How do you go within?


My quick take is following through with all the lessons you have to learn. This is when you realize over and over again that there is absolutely nothing that is outside of yourself. NOTHING! And each lesson helps to reiterate that point. It's a breakdown of the illusion that we are separate from God/Source. It's reinforcing the fact we truly would never hurt another because we are only hurting ourselves.


Dolores Cannon talked about our lessons and free will. She said that you don't have to do any work, for all of eternity. Do you really want that? Do you want to hang out in grade school while all of your friends are going off to high school, and college and getting married?


We think we're making things easier by not working on our lessons, or by ignoring the lessons. They will always be present, until you decide. Or not decide. How does that make you feel? What do you choose? Do you know where to begin?


I think the journey within is individual. For each of that, it will look different. Again, I say it has to do with learning lessons. That's my experience. My evolution. Maybe it's a quieting of the mind. A meditation. Maybe facing fears or discovering self-worth. I think this list can be endless. This journey to remember.


Have you started this journey? Do you have tips or insights you'd like to share? Do you have questions or concerns moving forward? Reach out! I'd love to hear from you!


Love, Light and Blessings,



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