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Finding Your Stance

Julia Hartstein • February 11, 2021

 There really is no such thing as Pilates Stance.

Romana used to get really annoyed when someone would say "Pilates Stance". She insisted, Uncle Joe didn't want anything named after him, and why the method is actually called Contrology (not Pilates)! She would say, "Heels together, Toes apart". There really is no such thing as Pilates Stance.

There are a two basic stances that most people work on for their body. Heels together, Toes apart, or Parallel. Now, depending on your body and what it likes to do, you may work one foot in parallel and the other foot turned open. It all depends, which was a dreaded statement as an apprentice. You are looking for proper hip, knee and ankle alignment. Sometimes you start in one stance and change through your years of working out because your body changed. You want to work into a Parallel position, ultimately. Many people start heels together, toes apart. It's not to be confused with a ballet dancers "turnout", which is meant to be completely open. Heels together, toes apart is a wide "V". It's a little more open and takes a little more effort than just physically putting your feet in the stance.

We use Heels together, Toes apart for those of us who are Pidgeon Toed or our legs roll in from our hips. It looks like your knees and toes are touching when you stand normally. This makes the muscles work open and helps to correct alignment. This is the stance I used when I first started, as my legs liked to roll inward. I had seen pictures from a trip I had before I started Pilates, and then after, and noticed the difference!  

Joseph Pilates would take before and after pictures of clients from their first session until their fifth session. It was amazing to see the difference! He would promise to change your body within five sessions, or your money back! It's easy to keep this promise, as clients automatically see the difference, too!

The other stance that is widely used is Parallel. Remember from math, "parallel lines never meet"? Well, that is the stance! Your feet from your tippy toes, until your heels are in straight lines. No scattered toes inching out, or your heel turned ever so slightly. Feet will be hip distance apart. Parallel! This is the stance that is used for people who are "knock kneed", meaning their knees touch but their feet open across wide. It's also used for people who have knee problems, as it's less tension than the other stance. This is also the position you try to advance into working from Heels together, Toes apart. It requires more effort to hold your thigh muscles to keep your legs over your feet. 

Another important factor of your stance is even distribution of weight. Romana used to trace our feet with paper and pen. She would then explain the Triangle on the bottom of your foot. She would draw a line across all five toes, and then two lines to the center of your heel. That is your Triangle and she would instruct us to feel even weight on all points. We would stand, in our stance, and practice feeling just our toes, so our heels felt light. Then we would practice feeling weight in our heels, and lift our toes. Finally, we would practice feeling even weight on all points. This, completed your stance! You used it your entire workout for the hour. Very rarely would you change it for an exercise. It should follow through every exercise that requires your stance.

Now, it's time for you to try! Look in a mirror, or get a family or friend to help you look at your legs and feet. Determine what it is you normally do, and then you can apply the stance that will give you the correct work! Let me know how you make out! And always, feel free to ask questions!

Love, Light and Blessings,


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