"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." Carl Jung
It's a familiar quote. Probably one we take notice, and then then let quickly roll away. We don't want to "know". We've been conditioned to look outside of our divinity. We've been left damaged with no resources to move forward. It's scary. It's hard work. It's overbearing. It's no wonder why the world looks and feels the way it does today. We're being beaten into a corner, afraid to turn our faces to the Light, barely enough energy to lick our own wounds.
Most of us are hurting. No matter what face or mask you've decided to wear for the day. We're hurting. Too many have no idea they even feel this way. Do you feel this way??? Are you someone who is noticing? Are you someone who thinks you're fine and it's everyone else whose hurting or wrong? What do you "see"???
In my journey as a healer, I have been called to eradicate traumas I've gone through in this lifetime. (I also believe it's traumas from past lifetimes, too, not to mention ancestral). When we think of "trauma", in this case emotional trauma, we think of major issues like being beaten or molested as a child. Yes, those are very hard traumas indeed. I'm also talking about miniscule traumas, ones that wouldn't even register as a "trauma" in our minds. Like an argument or correction that you remember, but don't pay it much mind other than a memory. For example, my parents gave me a correction for saying a naughty word when I was a child. Rightfully so, but they did it fiercely and not recognizing my sense of humor. I even remembered it as a funny story until it kept coming up when working on my throat chakra. That is when my voice was shut down. When it comes to abuse, or even an accident to the body like breaking a leg when you went skiing, we feel that in the body differently. The memory is registered more physically. These miniscule traumas are sometimes a little harder to register.
How many of us have consciously made the effort to identify and work on these traumas? Hmm, maybe a handful who read this blog? Of those who are making a conscious effort and diligent work, how many have cleared all the trauma? Haha, I'm sure none! I believe healing is 100% possible. I believe it can come without even doing this "work". And yet, I believe we all signed up to do this "work"!!! We like to joke around in the spiritual community that "we didn't read the fine print" before we contracted to come back to Earth. That being said, I believe we are here to learn to break down everything that is not Love, and restore us back to our "natural" state. Our Divinity. To bring Heaven on Earth. You say, "Sounds nice, Julia. Love your outlook, although I think that's impossible!". Yeah, I don't blame you. My Pollyanna vision sounds like just that, a cartoon movie.
The reality is just that idea! Because even if you don't believe in all this hocus pocus mumbo jumbo, wouldn't it feel nicer in your body, your life, to exist in this realm??? Yeah, ok, it would, but how do you do that???
Well, I'm glad we've gotten this far that you ask, my friends!!! We take a look. Maybe you don't even step forward yet. You just decide to take a look. Then you see something! Ooohh, what's that??? Hmm, I didn't notice that before but it makes sense to how I feel! How do I "work" on this? And the list will keep going…….
A book that has made a magnificent difference on this journey is Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life"! It's an amazingly famous book! The cool thing about this book is the back. It's like a dictionary look up of aliments. You can look up anything from acne to knee problems to cancer. You'll find what is emotionally going on that's causing the problem, to what you can emotionally do to fix the problem. If you're just starting out, I highly suggest you purchase the book for that reason alone! It's fascinating! For example, I looked up "ear infections", as I had them chronically as a child. It's from hearing parents argue. WHAT?!! Made total sense! Of course, the work is in the beginning of the book. If you read it, it will teach you how do to what I'm touching on in this blog. Even for people who have absolutely no idea how they feel! It's a wonderful, easy read. It will have you reeling!
So, wanna take a look with me? No worries, I'll hold your hand if you need. I'm here.
So much Love, Light and Blessings on your journey, my friends!
XO, Julia
“What you don’t transform, you will transmit.” – Richard Rohr
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