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"No Sugar" Detox

Julia Hartstein • January 4, 2022

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Happy New Year's Blessings my Lovelies!!!


So I'm inclined to share with you a routine I've acquired over the years. At the beginning of every year, I do a "no sugar diet" detox. 


It originally started about five years ago when I attended a class with a master herbalist. The class was about four to six hours on "Healing Herbs". My friend was taking horticulture with the New York Botanical Garden and knew my interest in essential oils and invited me as a guest. Needless to say, it was an amazing class! I was particularly intrigued by this detox diet for an aliment from which I was suffering. So, I reached out to the teacher and we both agreed that it was worth the try. In midst of doing this diet, I realized this is just the way we should all be eating, and that we've never been taught properly.


Andrea Candee (, the master herbalist, said she was taught the Rule of Three. "Three days, three weeks, three months". Of course, depending on the level of what you are working, one of those rules would apply. My aliment had been going on a while, and nothing helped. Again, we agreed that three months would be the most beneficial. It was amazing to see how my body changed! And to see the reactions of others who were watching the transformation.


First of all, when I say, "no sugar detox", people think you're just cutting sugar out of your diet. No big deal right? Other than your love and/or addiction to sugar. WRONG! It's a whole system of replacing. It's not just sugar, because you want to not only detox the sugar from your system, you also want to detox the foods and/or chemicals that inflame the sugar in your system. Ohhh….. So, you're also detoxing acids out of your system, too. It's more detailed and involved than one may think from just hearing the name. I even love the name Andres gave the list! "Avoid/Substitute". Not, "don't ever eat it again!", it's avoid


Again, I did this as a way of curing an ailment, thinking that it was just a temporary diet. I figured it may teach me how to use sugar in a healthy way, as I used to use it as a way to feed myself fast and cheap! I quickly started to learn this is the way I wanted to eat most of the time! 


It wasn't easy. I thought in two to three weeks I'd get acclimated. More like a month and a half! I was starving for the first month! Partly, because I was learning how to actually eat and trying to make that work into my schedule and pocketbook. At the time, I was working maybe one or two days a week taking care of my mother with dementia. Eating only organic is more expensive! And taking out foods that I thought were healthy, like potatoes/corn/rice, I felt like I had no carbs or substance. I was eating salad three times a day! Which sounds crazy, even for someone who really enjoys salad! And that's really how we should eat. No one wants to hear it, but it's the complete truth. It's funny people's response, "Well, I want to be happy" or "I want to enjoy life". Hugh??? Think about that for a moment. Is that the only way you are happy or have enjoyment in life? Through food? And we wonder why we're so sick physically/mentally/spiritually???


Changes to my body happened rapidly. I noticed within three weeks my belly fat had disappeared. Yes, even an in-shape Pilates instructor had belly fat. I was eating too much sugar, remember? The inflammation in the rest of my body was disappearing, too. My waist, the back of my arms. I noticed my sinuses clearing up and not having a problem with an overabundance of mucus. I was using the "bathroom" more efficiently. My clients would tell me how gorgeous my skin was looking! (By the way, I've had longtime issues with serve cystic acne). Oh, and have I mentioned yet the clarity of thought?!? Brain fog was lifting.  I could "think" again! No more forgetting words or thoughts. I was clear!


The benefits of doing this diet, I feel, are extreme. I think even if someone had the same notion I did, and just did the diet for three months with the intention of going back to eating "normal", they would still have great results! They say that when you detox your body from sugar, it heals. From my own experience, I can surely say this is true! You also realize that we are ALL addicted! There are some people who will snub their nose and put down individuals with a severe addiction, like alcohol or drugs, and yet when they are presented with this diet, they scoff it off saying they "love sugar". Ok, no problem here folks…..


I highly suggest this detox to anyone! Now, I'm not a doctor. You should always consult a medical professional regarding your health, if your one of those people. And I say that joking around, because I'm not one to go to a doctor, in general. Not that I'm above going to one. I trust my body, my instincts and my judgement. Many people struggle with these attributes, and in those cases, should consult a physician. When I did this diet, I did not. It's been five years in the running, and I do it every year. I basically never get sick and I'm not dead, so, something must be working! I mostly keep this diet throughout the year once I've detoxed. I let myself cheat when I go out with friends. And once the end of year holidays start, it's no holds barred! Holiday meals are part of celebrating the holiday, and Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorites! So, it's a year that slowly works into a great detox! It works perfectly for me!


Let me know your thoughts and feeling! Have any of you ever done this diet? Did you enjoy it? What did you notice in your body/mind/soul? Are you interested in trying? Please feel free to reach out and email me! I'd love to answer your questions! I will also send you the list upon request!  Also, check out Andrea's website and contact her email. I'm sure she'd love to help!


Sending so much Love, Light and Blessings!!!


Julia XO

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