I happen to be a fast driver. Very fast! I am dexterous in my driving. I also have a strong awareness of the rules for driving, official and unofficial. For example, I get annoyed at people who don't signal. Yes, I can see what you're about to do, but it feels less annoying when you use your directional to let me know. It's common courtesy, that's all. Stop thinking you're the only one on the road and its all about you! The "Fast Lane" is another example. Technically speaking, when driving on a highway, the "Fast Lane" is really just a passing lane. You're not supposed to "ride" it the entire time. It's basically meant to play leap frog with the middle lane. Unofficially, none of us use it that way. And the common courtesy is that if you're not going as fast as the person behind you, you're supposed to get out of their way. I never knew that until I really started riding that lane. Even before I knew about that "rule", I couldn't stand the people who sit in that lane doing the speed limit! Seriously, there are two other lanes you are more than welcome to ride! Why choose the fast lane? Are you needing to prove how wonderful you are and enjoy annoying people you don't know??? GET OUT OF THE LANE!!!
"So, Julia", you ask, "What does this have to do with Spiritual Healing?". Well, thank you for asking, I'm about to expand on that thought (insert big, sarcastic smiley face!). For Lightworkers, I think we've been very frustrated and saddened by those who are seemingly not "waking" up. It's been very intense this past week. A conversation arose for me yesterday that I was handed by Grace. It was some random, lovely human being, one you thank God for placing on this Earth. They stated an opinion, not one I give much thought, and they stated it very passionately. To which my response was an innocent, "Wow, really?". A moment or two was taken for retrospect, and conversation kept going. It was a lovely encounter, as I felt we left on the same elated terms we met. And it got me thinking, hence this blog……
Part of why I've been feeling this intense is because I'm in the "Fast Lane" with this journey we are all taking. I want those, who aren't on 100 mph to get out of my way! Not in a mean or judgmental way. I just have someplace to be and I want to arrive there yesterday. (I don't even think that's my Queens, NY talking). I'm on a "mission from God", and it's ok if you don't want to join, just move aside. And the hard thing for me is to enjoy the journey! I can't stand it! I just want to get there already! I want to be where we all remember we love each other, and treat each other with that love!
I learned that I don't like "the journey" from walking a labyrinth. I had this conversation with a Pilates client, who we often see things from a different point of view, and she has this wonderful way of letting a difference of opinion fall away. She enlightened me because when she walks a labyrinth, she doesn't get the point of the center or getting to it, she just enjoyed the walk. WHAT?!?!?! It was mind blowing for me! I just wanted to get to the center. Getting there annoys me! I find it a stupid waste of time! Just walk it with no destination? No reward? No spiritual endowment??? Why do it? WHY???
"Ughhh, hello Julia, that's what you get from enjoying the journey", Heaven says as it looks down on me smiling! Ok, fine, I'll try to keep perfecting that feeling. It's not easy. We've been systematically trained to believe we're being irresponsible and selfish. I will constantly and consistently do my work. This system is dismantling and falling to dust. This "fast Lane" that we're all in, is about to merge in a super highway of infinite love! Try to remember, take breaks when you need, go out and be the light and love you need to others.
"Be and artist of consciousness. Your picture of reality is you most important creation. Make it powerfully, profoundly beautiful." Alex Grey
Love, Light and Blessings,