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The Great Awakening

Julia Hartstein • January 22, 2021

I was awakened out of a deep sleep this morning by my alarm.

I was awakened out of a deep sleep this morning by my alarm. I was dreaming about fellow Pilates teachers and reconnecting after not speaking for many years. Not for lack of love or admiration, just general life circumstances. It was interesting that, despite social media connections and life distance, the love and admiration was still present. It was lovely to feel, regardless of whatever differences we may think or feel, that we were still connected.


BOOM! That is it! That is why I'm so frustrated! That is what I not only want to feel, I want to see others in this euphoria!!! "The Great Awakening". You've heard this term floating around on social media, I'm sure. Usually from your spiritual friends. Some of your political friends may have thrown it out there, too. I think no matter where you are at this moment in time, EVERYONE realizes that something very drastic is taking place, and something very different is on the horizon. We're scrambling to understand our lives and how to live. What is happening??? 


You may have heard the term "Dark Night of the Soul". Again, many spiritual people use this phrase. It refers to us "waking up", so to speak. We are pushed into a position of coming to our full realization. We are being called back to God, Source, The Universe, etc. We are called to dismantle every illusion we were brought up to believe. This, is what is happening to the world! No longer are we allowed to stick our head in the sand about ourselves, or what is happening to our fellow souls. Some of us "spiritual" people have done much of this work already.


We are all souls. Spiritual or not, most people have this inkling. Most of us have this understanding that there is more to life than how we live, what we were brought up to believe, more than the system we live under. The layers of the onion are being ripped off for us, because so many of us don't want to know what's happening. For some, that is the journey. Some will never understand in this lifetime, and/or outright refuse to do the work. 


Personally, even as a "spiritual" person whose done the whole "Dark Night of the Soul" thing, I still am here learning my human experience. Although I feel like I have a better handle on these ideas, I still live amongst people who are "asleep". It's painful to watch. It's hard to digest, not so much that people don't "want to know" what's happening, that they purposely work in the opposite direction of becoming clear. It's painful! I know from my own "awakening" what's it's like to be terrified and feel alone and have to do work I just don't want to start! And yet, I am called again to find love and compassion, because the mass of people are terrified. I am the one who constantly needs to adjust. It's even harder, still, when your friends who are "aware" or "awake" have fallen into despair. Their unhealed trauma of being let down is constantly taunted. Further do I have to push through the Darkness.   Rightfully so, I adjust because I've done "the work". As I say, "I've been to Hell and back! I know the way out." (I just don't feel like taking the trip again. I have other obligations.)


We teach Love by being Love. I have to break down and find that place in myself to Love more, when all I want to do is recede. That is what the Darkness wants to happen. For the Light to recede. 


There is no "right" or "wrong", "good" or "evil". There are only levels of consciousness. There is only Light and Darkness. And the Darkness is dark. It's gruesome, dreary, macabre. It's deep, heavy sadness that sticks to your soul and marries you to the ground. These dark truths that are "hidden" in plain sight, MUST LIFT! We must hold each other tight, and uncover what no longer serves our Love! We must do this TOGETHER!!! Hugh Lynn Cayce, Edgar Cayce's son said, "We all go together, or we don't go!". Is it that important to be separated, or more important that we Love? Does our Earthly experience have to be separate from Heaven, or can we drop the illusion and bring Heaven to Earth? Do we join hands and go together, or just not go?


As they say, "The way to change the world, is to change yourself." It is time to change, and absolutely embody Love and remember we are here for each other! The time has never been more important than NOW!!!


Love, Light and Blessings,



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