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Twin Flame Revealed

Julia Hartstein • February 11, 2024

There's a lot of misinformation about Twin Flames. There's a lot of misinformation in Spirituality, in general. I always remind people to listen with their Hearts. How loving is the message being given and directed? The more loving and understanding and the more willing to help you find yourself, the closer to truth the information you are receiving.

What is a Twin Flame? I feel like this is a huge topic in the past few years. It's made a buzz because of some show on Netflix. There have been too many people online touting their stories, opinions and what they believe to be divine guidance. Let's explore my personal journey and what I believe to be the best and highest influences of guiding Love.


There's a lot of misinformation about Twin Flames. There's a lot of misinformation in Spirituality, in general. I always remind people to listen with their Hearts. How loving is the message being given and directed? The more loving and understanding and the more willing to help you find yourself, the closer to truth the information you are receiving.


I explain that Twin Flames are a very specific Soul Mate. They are one soul split into two bodies. I direct them to thinking about siblings who are born twins. The relationship that is explained when you look into twin siblings is one of almost having their own language, only the other sibling understands and feels. They have been studied intensely. I have heard stories of them being separated at birth, living on opposite sides of the same continent and still very aware that the other existed, without even knowing they were a twin. They have found each other, sometimes "accidentally", sometimes with a purposeful search. How interesting it is to know there is another like you somewhere in the world. Some of us who are Twin Flames were not born as siblings.  This is partly how I explain Twin Flames.


Other things I have learned from my own journey, meeting other Twin Flames and Twin Flame teachers is that we are some of the most Loving people on the face of the Earth! Hands down, some of the best people you will ever meet! Just pure Love! It makes sense that we are Lightworkers, and we are here to bring in the Light and remind everyone about Love. Our journeys are often ridden with hard lessons because in order to teach others what Love is, we have to experience and overcome what Love isn't and the healed version is what we teach by living example. That is why we came to Earth during this Awakening! To help teach and guide with Love. We break everything in ourselves that isn't Love to join together. All else is a toxic, 3-D illusion. We came to break illusions of anything that is not Love. Anything that is not Love is untrue.


I could go on about a lot of toxic, superficial nonsense I've seen and read online. Again, focus on the Loving messages that help heal. Those are Truth. Anything else is someone's lesson being learned, or not learned, depending. My all-time favorite teacher and person who has helped guide me with Love is Cassady Cane She has to have the most Loving messages and helps guide you back to yourself for healing and reunion. I have followed and read her blogs since she started in 2014, I believe. Recently she has made her blogs a subscription, but I believe her original work is free. I highly suggest her resources! Endlessly helpful, if you're willing to do the work. I also highly suggest Magnetize Yourself on YouTube and Instagram. Infinity gives wonderful, loving insights and guidance, too.


Back to my journey. As you may have read, I was born an only child in Queens, NY. Let's say I'm 39-ish again Gen-X'er. I was probably about seven years old when I realized there was someone else. What does that even mean? How does a seven-year-old know there is someone else? Growing up, Hello Kitty was very popular. There were other characters, too. My Melody and Little Twin Stars. My father used to bring home shopping bags from Harper's Bazar full of Little Twin Star stuff. Pencil cases, stickers, jewelry boxes. Bags full of stuff! I still have a lot! This is when I remember thinking there was someone else. I was an only child. I grew up in a tumultuous household. Even as a child, I was very aware. My parents weren't going to have another kid. Again, how does a child know this??? Anyway, that was my first awareness that I wasn't alone. Little Twin Stars. Funny, huh?


As I grew older and more aware of "spirituality", or realizing there was something more than what we were taught, I knew I had a soulmate or specific person. It felt like an endless search. I would meet friends and lovers who were definite soulmates, but never anyone who fit the puzzle. The grooves were close, but there was never a perfect fit. 


I had been told in a reading when I was in my twenties that I was a Twin Flame. I don't think I had heard the term before, but inherently understood it in my soul. More and more information started coming out about things that are often associated with Twin Flames. Like I had always seen the number 11:11 or 1:11. I even grew up on a block with a precinct and it was the 111th! My mother was into "Angel Numbers" before it was even a "thing". Usually Twin Flames see this number, but it isn't exclusive to only Twin Flames. The number signifies Christ Consciousness, according to my shaman healer. Makes sense if Twin Flames are here to teach about Love. That's what Christ Consciousness is about. Love. I'm also very connected to Archangel Michael, who helps Twin Flames join together. Interesting how Archangel Michael helps with strength, courage, protection and your soul's purpose. How appropriate that he helps guide Twins on this journey.


I've received a few messages from friends and classmates, but it was usually vague information. Correct in feeling, but vague. I never got a name or specifics when I asked. I was told I probably wasn't supposed to know. I had heard about Artistic Psychic on Etsy. She does a sketch of your Twin Flame and gives a reading of your person. I did it about three months after I moved to Charlotte. The reading of my person seemed correct, even though I had never met him at this point. His sketch was cute and seemed like I would like him, and again, I never met him at the point of this reading. It wasn't until about nine months later I met my person. And all the pieces started coming together.


I was told I wouldn't have to do anything, he'll come to my front door. Check. I was told it was going to be so casual I wouldn't even know it was happening. Check. I was told something embarrassing was going to happen. Check, check. And there would be a sign that I wouldn't be able to dispute. (Of course, it was a Twin Flame reference to a "mirror".) CHECK! My friend who mentioned that he'd come to my door also said he'd be a recovering alcoholic. Check. My ETSY reading said he was right around the corner. (I thought the meaning was he'd be arriving soon. I didn't take it literally.) CHECK! He'd have an adorable dog he has a special bond with. Check. 


All these signs added up, and yet I was still so unsure. But then I had to drop into feeling and trust. The feeling of "home". It just made sense when we hugged. I wanted to stay there in the embrace. The feeling of "knowing" them all your life. Although nervous because I liked him, I felt like we could just talk and hang out for hours. The feeling of "attraction". Just wanting to be near him all the time, just to be near. And, wanting to jump his bones!!! Why??? I barely know this person??? Even for me being aware of my empathic, psychic nature it's still weird! The need to want to talk to him or see him all the time, and the excruciating pain when you don't. 


This is why people don't understand when unhealed Twin Flames try to join that it seems ridiculous on the outside, because any rational person would look at the evidence or whatever trauma responses are happening and just casually move on. It's insane how cemented you feel into the moments, as if you've been rooted and can't move. On the outside, it looks like a toxic relationship. Some Twin Flames when they meet are very toxic. Some meet without having done much of their personal and spiritual work. Those of us who have met later in life, just seem to trigger an unhealed aspect that needs a little attention. We meet to trigger our healing. So, if you haven't done any at all, expect a little more toxicity. And those who have done some work, expect to go through a deeper Dark Night of the Soul, again! 


My trigger was gruesome. It's amazing to be the Twin who has done the work (because often times one of you is more "awake" than the other) and feel like you were cut off at the ankles just to do the work again! I could only imagine how desperate and scary it must be for the Twin who isn't "awake". I truly had to find myself, again! I didn't think I was lost. I didn't think I was living for others. I didn’t think I was "weak". I didn't think I had to work on boundaries or self-confidence, again. I didn't think I expected someone to save me, I thought I just wanted mutual love. I didn't think I wasn't being my authentic self. All of this was triggered, and I've been working on it ever since. It's been a long breakdown of toxic people in my life, noticing how I'm feeling and taking care of my feelings above anyone else's feelings, gaining more self-confidence and just letting myself be "me" and allowing myself to be vulnerable, realizing I am the greatest Love of my life and I will be the one who takes care of me. No one else. Me. Thank God for doing some work, because this time I didn't drag myself on my face the whole time. I just fell on it a few times and was able to triage immediately. Who says your lessons don’t help?! 


Again, what is my Twin Flame going through? I could only imagine how terrifying this must be from their point of view. Not everyone is aware of their spirituality. Not everyone has done the work. Some are very Loving who never fixed why they attract broken, toxic narcissists. Some are the narcissists. (Remember, a narcissist is an empath who never did the work. They refuse to Love themselves and force other to do it instead.) What must it be like for him? How desperately sad and confusing. Where do you turn? It must be scary, and they probably feel like they're crazy. Why feel so intensely about someone you barely know? At least, that must be the case for my Twin. We've only met a handful of times. Send them Loving prayers, angels and Spirit Guides to help them along their way. They feel like they have no resources to deal with any of this trigger to awakening. 


Free Will and Twin Flames. We all have Free Will, no matter if you're a Twin Flame. We all came here with lessons to learn. The difference with Twin Flames is that we came here with the full intent of joining. We knew we would do it, even though it may look hopeless on the outside. We mirror feelings and thoughts. Pay attention. You can help guide your person with Love. This is why you need to break down your triggers and learn your lessons. We mirror feelings and thoughts. Pay attention. You can help guide your person with Love. This is why we are constantly called back to ourselves. To learn and trust our own guidance. We need to teach others to do the same. When you truly learn to Love yourself, there will never be a need to harm another person, for whatever reason. The more you work on yourself, the more magnetic you become, and the more irresistible you become to your Twin Flame.


I trust my Twin Flame will find out how absolutely capable he is and will achieve everything he's ever wanted. He'll learn to see himself with the same Love that others who love him dearly see. He'll return when he's ready. In the meantime, I will Love myself and enjoy life, as I should. I trust. I trust Love.


Any other Twin Flames out there reading this? Do you have any questions? Do you have insights not yet mentioned? Reach out! I'd love to hear from you, and other Twins would appreciate the Love!


Love, Light and Blessings,


Julia xo 

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