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Doing the Work

Julia Hartstein • January 29, 2021

We all have this idea that what we want to attain in life is somewhere "out there", just beyond our reach. 

How often have you ever heard a notable celebrity of any manner when asked how they arrived at their current status, they reply with, "It took a lot of work." What is this mystical "work" that they are doing??? I work. You work. Most people "work". What is this "work"??? Sign me up if it gets me to my goal faster!!!

We all have this idea that what we want to attain in life is somewhere "out there", just beyond our reach. If we "work" hard enough, maybe we'll get "there". So we work 24/7/365 trying to attain our goals. We find ourselves exhausted, and not much closer. We have been conditioned by our traumas, and systematically brainwashed by society to think we are less than an amazing, shinning soul. You hear that statement? YOU ARE AN AMZING, SHINING SOUL!!! I understand if you don't feel this statement. As I said, we have many barriers built to wall us off.

These barriers are illusions! Very much like the picture of a horse tied by a rope to a chair. The horse doesn't move believing it's bound. It's perception, and ours, is askew. We need to take a deeper look. That deeper look is in the mirror. It is at our actions, or reactions. It is at our unhealed traumas. It is at our daily life and how we interact with others, and most importantly, how we treat that person in the mirror!  

What are your daily habits? Do you get enough rest? How do you eat? Do you eat? Exercise? How do you feel, generally? Are you angry? Depressed? Lonely??? Make a list, on purpose! Take out a piece of paper and a pen (or you laptop, if you're so inclined) and write it down!!! You need to see these answers, because you'll make up excuses or brush off the truth if you're only just thinking them in your head! You need to start seeing "yourself", because you may not really see the person staring back at you in the mirror.

There's a famous quote about changing the world, right? "If you want to change the world, start by changing yourself." Correct? We all hear it, and yet it's a much different story when we have to "do the work". The work isn't "out there". It's not for someone else to do while you point a finger and tell them how to accomplish the work. IT'S FOR YOU TO DO THE WORK!!! ON YOURSELF! As a Pilates instructor for almost twenty years, I'll have people comment, "Oh, Pilates is HARD!". Yes, it is because YOU have to do the work!!! And I find there are far too many who aren't interested, and those who downright refuse. It's like the people who are proud of not eating green vegetables because they are green. Really??? Ok, then don't complain later when you are suffering from a severe illness. Your choice!

One of my favorite suggestions on "doing the work" is A Course in Miracles (ACIM). Some of you may have heard of this book. Marianne Williamson is famous for writing the "cliff notes" called Return to Love. She suggested that you do the workbook from ACIM. It's the core of the work! (It's like Mat work in Pilates). It's a 365 day meditation, one for each day of the year. Although, in my experience, there were times I needed more than a day to reflect on the lesson. Sometimes it took me three days. Sometimes it took me three weeks. I did the course for three years straight, and I did during one of the hardest times of my life! I had been my mother's caregiver after my father crossed over. She had dementia. I am an only child. I took on my mother's debt AND was trying to start by business AND trying to work while all of this was happening! My life was, and is, infinitely better for doing the workbook!!! It's an app you can download to your phone, if you like, so it's always with you. The lessons will teach you to break your perceptions and move forward. It's one of the easiest and cheapest ways of starting the work.

There are, of course, many avenues to take on your road to finding yourself and "living your best life". The point is to start. Another easy and inexpensive way of starting is to simply close your eyes, call in the light from above, pull it through your body and ground yourself into the Earth from your feet and tailbone. Feel the light clear all negative energy from your body, leaving you in your natural glow, and let the gray fall into the Earth. See that gray turn into glorious white light, and send it back up through your body, straight into the ethers, and let the light cascade around your entire body. This is a mediation that my teacher, Pat Longo, instructs. It's know as a White Light meditation, and many people teach a version. Pat has a few meditations I highly suggest on YouTube! In my experiences, doing this daily has also made a huge difference in my life, and added to it's infinite joy.  

Go find YOU! Not this life you've been living for so long according to all these other toxic influences! You are deserving of love, happiness, joy, abundance, and relaxation. You are deserving of your own sovereignty: 
"Sovereign has everything to do with power. God is described as "sovereign" in a number of Bible translations. In addition to describing ones who have power, the word sovereign also often describes power: to have sovereign power is to have absolute power—that is, power that cannot be checked by anyone or anything."
This is your souls natural state! Remember?   

Remember. Return. Align. Elevate.

Thank you for taking the time to read! If you have and questions, feel free to ask!

Love, Light and Blessings,


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