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The Only Thing.....

Julia Hartstein • February 5, 2021

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke

Understanding ourselves, and our own darkness, leads us to a better understanding of the darkness in others. You've probably heard this, or something like this before. This is why work on ourselves, and understanding our own divinity, is so important. If we don't see ourselves and stand in our own power, then it's easy to be manipulated and controlled. It's easy to look the other way when atrocities are taking place. When our energy is zapped and we feel like the dregs of the Earth, why bother pushing back against the status quo?

It is imperative that we find who we really are and not this lifeless being that "life" molded. We are much more than we have been led to believe, and we have much more power and connection to the Divine. All you have to do is open your eyes. It's scary! Not only will you see elements of yourself that you don't want to know exist, and the work you would have to do in order to be free and live in your sovereignty, you will see the darkness that is trying to take over the Earth.

Make no mistake. There are nefarious elitists who are intent on lulling you into an ever deeper sleep, taking your rights away and swindling you into coaxing every cell in your body that their way of living is "the way"! Look! Keep your eyes focused! Don't turn away. I know it's hard. It's scary! It's painful. The more we try to ignore what's becoming blatantly obvious, the easier it becomes for them to do as they please. Again, make no mistake, they are trying to make this a way of life for us all. Why else would they put all their efforts into making you hate? And if you understood your own divinity, why would you hate??? Why would they silence opposing arguments and/or evidence? You have your own mind, you don't need someone else to decide. Why is only one "side" or "voice" allowed to speak or have validity? Truth is truth, and if you're paying attention, liars only lie to themselves when they open their mouth. 

I came across a YouTube video of an ex CIA agent teaching "how to spot a liar". I believe it was to a group of fashion executives, as there is a lot of theft in that industry. I believe there were six points of interest, as well. It's about an hour long. I highly suggest the watch! I happened to watch it because I found it interesting. As an empath and psychic, I already have that radar, even if I can't explain why. What's great about watching this, is it gave me something "tangible" for others to understand. Ultimately, I believe we are all psychic empaths. It's just some of us choose this moment to be very aware to teach others. Again, we've been systematically conned out of it for centuries.

How much longer can we look at these "leaders" and not "see" who and what they are in their hearts? How much longer can we look the other way when yet another victim of child sex trafficking comes forward with their brave story? How many stories of their torment will just fall away before we get to the root? How many have to come forward before you understand there is a most grievous problem? How many laws to drop the age of consent need to pass before you realize that you are being conditioned into a lifestyle? How many mass child graves from around the world will finally get your attention??? How many more hundreds of thousands of children need to go missing? I believe the statistics are at 800,000/year? Maybe when it hits 2 million, like the lottery?!?? Maybe then we'll take a look?

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." Albert Einstein 

These maleficent or Luciferian entities are not as strong as they present! Honestly, one look from a person who stands in their own power, and they receded like the serpentine energy they embody. That's all it takes. A look! Get it? LOOK!!! Because they have no power. The only power they have is to be conniving. That's it! Like any psychopathic narcissist, they loose their hold when you let them go!!! All they have left is to turn themselves inside out! They will cease to exist.

Or, you could do nothing. Keep looking away. Keep on doing just what you're told. No thought or consequence. There are people doing the work. Right now, living every day in the Light they bring from above. They are laughing, walking, spending time with their families. They are working, moving, breathing. They are enjoying life, as it is our right and freedom! They're hoping one day, after you have had enough rest, that you will decide to join in their efforts, too.

Thank you for taking the time to read. If you found this helpful on your journey, and you know someone who may benefit, thank you for sharing!  

Love, Light and Blessings on your continued path!


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