What is Pilates??? An exercise regime invented by Joseph Pilates that stretches and strengthens the body. Originally named, Contrology.
What is real Pilates??? The actual regime that was taught by Joseph Pilates handed down to his students, known as "elders". There are five main elders: Eve Gentry, Kathy Grant, Ron Fletcher, Mary Bowen and Romana Kyrzanowska. The first four teachers mentioned, and a few that are also considered "elders" all point to Romana as the one who kept Uncle Joe's method the way he created. This is mostly referred to as "Classical" Pilates. Anyone trained under these teachers are "Classical" teachers. Not to be confused with "Contemporary" Pilates, which is a pilates-eque type exercise.
Why are there different types of Pilates? Joseph Pilates had much forethought into his inventions. He had a patent on his equipment. He wrote a book called "Contrology", not "Pilates". He was distinctive in telling Romana that he didn't want anything named after him, especially when we would go over our stances. Some people stand "heels together, toes apart", and it's widely called Pilates Stance. Romana was very adamant that he didn't want his name used, and not to call it "Pilates Stance"! Unfortunately, he didn't have the forethought to copyright his method. By the time Romana had the idea to do so, she lost the battle in court. It's very similar to Yoga. If you learn about Yoga, there are a few main schools. I believe five to be exact? They also lost a copyright for the work due to time lapse. Too many people had learned what they learned and went on with whatever they were doing. Unless you look up information on the matter, you wouldn't know. Many people go into doing exercise and diets because it’s a fad and they hear it's good to do for the body.
Why are we making a distinction? I take pride that I'm well trained by a world-famous teacher. I taught in the studio alongside her, and my 600 hours of certification were in training Joseph Pilates clients who followed Romana. There's a huge difference in what I learned as opposed to "Contemporary" Pilates. I don’t want pooh pooh others. Some have worked very hard for what they teach, and they teach a good workout. And some have learned it in a weekend course. The Pilates world is small, even though its name has become a well-known. There should be a distinction. Wouldn't you want to know if you're eating pure sugar or eating a "sweetener"? And you should know to make an educated choice.
What type of Pilates do you do? Did you know there was a difference? Would you be willing to learn differently than you've been taught?
I would love to hear from you!
Many Blessings,
Julia, XO
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