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The Price of Pilates

Julia Hartstein • December 6, 2022

"We used to discuss in the certifying studio that it was $6 to have a private session with Uncle Joe back in the day....."

You know, when I started Pilates 22 years ago, a Private session cost $70. I believe there was a package price, too, but being rather light in my wallet, that price would've been further out of my budget.


I started taking sessions in an effort to become a teacher. You needed to have a minimum of 75 pre-requisite sessions. It took me two years and about four extra sessions with Sari, Romana's daughter, to take my assessment. Sari's sessions were a little more expensive, as she is a master teacher. It took me so long because of having funds available for the sessions.


As we're coming into the year 2023 and after living in Charlotte, NC for two years (I moved from Queens, NY), I am wondering what this year will bring? I know it's only going to be amazing, yet, how will it unfold. The cost of EVERYTHING is going up and when it comes to our health, our hard-earned money seems to be the last thing we consider spending. For example, I only buy organic when possible. When I relate this to others, there response is, "That's nice, but it's expensive". When you speak about anything alternative health or just anything that is not deemed a necessity, it's often the same response. Expensive in comparison to what, exactly??? Gas? Groceries you're already buying? The cost of your dinner out, or just the dinner you picked up? The coffee you buy out every day? Your vacations? Expensive in comparison to what?


My financial advisor, in an effort for me to understand my worth and expand my business, made a profound statement. "It's unreasonable to think that any private work whether or not you're an accountant or a physical therapist or a technician, should make less than $125 an hour". WOW! Hold the phone! It's not 1996 anymore??? What a change in perspective. For years I've been on the same band wagon as everyone else when it comes to a skilled worker, that they should be charging the same price they did 20 and 30 years ago! That's crazy! And unfair.  And definitely uneducated.


We used to discuss in the certifying studio that it was $6 to have a private session with Uncle Joe back in the day. He mostly taught lawyers and doctors, because they were able to afford private sessions. Nowadays, it's still decently expensive for a private, ranging in price from $70-$200. It will depend on the area you live in and the status of the teacher. Teachers who are newly certified will be a base price, whereas the teachers who have many years behind them, plus teacher training status, plus other certifications and modalities will be towards the higher end. There are also semi-private sessions, which are higher priced for the hour, but the price is shared between two or more people, depending on what your studio offers. Some studios can do three or four. Sessions will range about $45-65 depending on the number of students and the teacher's status. The studios that have huge group classes of more are not considered part of the "traditional" Pilates workout. They range about $35 with the option of buying a package for a discount. Where you are in your workout and budget will determine your session.


Which brings me to a more budget friendly option, Mat Classes! We learned to teach "mat" classes in the program because it was the up-and-coming affordable trend. Traditionally, Uncle Joe didn't teach mat classes. He only taught to students who knew their workout and had been taking sessions with him for years. For the same reason you're supposed to be an "Intermediate" level to do a semi-private session, you should be for the mat work, as well. That being said, Mat is the core of the work! It's the hardest part of Contrology, and if you've never done a private and used the equipment, it's even harder! I digress….Mat classes are the best way to get your bang for your buck! They range anywhere from $15-$35, again depending on the area you live and teacher experience. 


The last three years have been hard on Mat classes. In person is always the best to get the hands-on correction. Even if the teacher is fluent in their speaking of corrections, the student may not translate well into their body. Many studios have just cancelled their in-person mats all together, even if their state guidelines say they are allowed. It's just not worth it for the teacher or the studio to carve out time that is not making money. 


When some of us teachers would have a night out in Manhattan, we would chew the fat about Pilates, because, who else would understand our plight? One of the reoccurring themes would be "winning the lottery". As teachers, we wished we could win the lottery so that it would be financially more accessible to everyone. It's not that teachers want to charge exorbitant prices. They want to make a living like everyone else seems to be allowed. I had a spiritual friend I met here in Charlotte. She used to work in advertising, and she was complaining about the panhandlers. "You know they make about $30,000-$40,000 a year", in an aggravated manner! "Really?", I said, "That's about what a Pilates instructor makes". Most people haven't trained hard for their profession, get continually amazing at their work and not get paid a raise year after year for their work. 


Now back to "The Price of Pilates". I used that as a gateway for having a conversation about the cost of sessions. Let's talk about what it's worth. Having a Private session doesn't just work your body. It works your mind and spirit! It's a relationship you build with another human being. You receive a teacher, counselor and therapist. A cheerleader, body sculptor and advocate. Your overall health is what you gain every time! I personally haven't had health insurance for about 15 years now. I go to the dentist and eye doctor, but I've barely seen a doctor in years. Thanks to Pilates I never rarely get sick or injured. If I do, it moves easily out of my body. Every cent I've saved I've used in good health. It's been worth more than every penny. What is your health and wellbeing worth to you?


Wishing you all the most Love, Light, Health and Abundant Blessings now and in this coming year!!!


Julia, XO

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